Grandparents - the vital role they can play on separation or divorce

To be a grandparent is a privilege and a joy - have a read of Gill Wright's blog on the issue

The relationship between Grandparents and grandchildren is often a very special bond. In times of family turmoil such as separation and divorce grandparents can be a safe and stable place for children to turn.

Grandparents are in a position to help with a positive transition for their grandchildren in a changing family environment being a constant support and providing a steady calm and peaceful place, assurance, and a listening ear.

With this privilege comes responsibilities. It is a challenging time for you as grandparents too. A sadness for your son or daughter in the situation and often anger with them or their partner. It is important for both your children and grandchildren that you can put your own feelings aside, stay neutral and avoid taking sides, giving support, and not making judgements.

Try and stay in touch with the other parent, they are Mum or Dad to your grandchildren.

Top Tips

·      Stay neutral and avoid taking sides

·      Stay in touch with the other parent

·      Be a good listener

·      Support your children do not judge

·      Be understanding of special occasions

·      Respect the agreements reached with both parents.

Above all continue to be Nanny and Grandpa/Granny and Grandad doing all the special things you have always done, providing love and a source of peace and calm in what will be a confusing world for your grandchildren at this tough time.

We help many grandparents create a plan about what time they will spend with their grandchildren if a dispute arises. Mediation is a neutral place to come and have those discussions and most mediations are carried out online now which helps if everyone involved lives some way apart from each other. If you would like to discuss how mediation might be able to help you and your family email us at, call us on 0800 206 2258 or book a free call on our website on a day and time to suit you.

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