Meet Claire and Rachael

Claire Colbert and Rachael Oakes of Family Mediation and Mentoring LLP

Rachael and Claire are both specialist, accredited family mediators, specialising in helping couples and families in dispute. Rachael also sits as a Deputy District Judge. Before setting up Family Mediation and Mentoring Claire and Rachael worked for over 20 years as specialist family lawyers in major National Law firms. They understand in great detail the issues involved with separation, divorce and family disputes.


Going through separation and divorce and the transition that this requires can be very emotional and challenging.  Family breakdown and family disputes are statistically one of the most stressful things a person can face in life. People are often worrying about the future, their children, how they are going to pay for everything and even where they are going to live.


At Family Mediation & Mentoring we offer all the different types of mediation and we can meet with children. Our focus is to facilitate the resolution of any issue involving family breakdown, separation, divorce and its financial consequences, arrangements for children and any other kind of family dispute. Our aim is help find solutions and to keep people out of court and their legal fees to a minimum.

Whilst working as family lawyers Claire and Rachael were conscious that many couples wanted to meet with us together to obtain an understanding of the steps and options involved in divorce situations before they thought about instructing lawyers. We have developed a unique service, Family Law Information Meetings, so that individuals or couples can obtain from us the knowledge they need to help make informed decisions about what to do next. This service can reduce the risk of conflict, help reduce legal fees and assist people if they are representing themselves in the family court.

Rachael can also support, through coaching and mentoring, clients dealing with family disputes and the lawyers that work with them. Our bespoke training programmes are aimed at supporting professionals working in the field of family law.

 Our purpose is to Facilitate, Inform and Resolve so people can avoid the cost, both emotionally and financially, of going to court.

If we can help you or someone you know please call us on0800 205 2258 or email us at our website you can also book a free 20 minute consultation.

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