Christmas Anxiety and Children

How can separated parents ease anxiety for children at Christmas? What are the triggers?

The holiday season, including Christmas, can be a challenging time for children, especially those dealing with anxiety, particularly due to their parents' separation.


Children of separated parents may worry about split loyalties and feel anxious when asked to make decisions about which parent to spend Christmas with, or which presents to play with from each parent. This situation can lead to stress and anxiety, and it's important for parents to be aware of the potential impact on their children's mental well-being.


Common triggers of anxiety in children during the holidays include:


1. **Changes in Routine**: The disruption of regular schedules and activities during the holidays can trigger anxiety in children, leading to increased stress and unease.


2. **Sensory Overload**: The sights, sounds, and crowds associated with holiday events and gatherings can be overwhelming for some children, especially those with sensory processing challenges, leading to increased anxiety.


3. **Social Obligations**: The pressure of social interactions and family gatherings during the holidays can cause anxiety in children, particularly those who are introverted or have difficulties with transitions.


4. **Academic Expectations**: School holiday performances and the anticipation of returning to school after the break can also be sources of anxiety for some children.


5. **Parental Stress**: Children can pick up on and be affected by the stress of their parents during the holiday season, which can in turn contribute to their own anxiety.


It's important for parents to be mindful of these triggers and take proactive steps to support their children during the holiday season, such as maintaining routines, managing social commitments, and being aware of signs of anxiety in their children.


Creating a joint decision about Christmas plans, discussing time with extended family, and being mindful of the child's feelings are some ways to support children with separated parents during the Christmas season.


Being attentive to signs of holiday anxiety in children can be useful, such as being fearful and reluctant to be alone, frequent physical complaints, and excessive worry about safety or sleeping away from home. Seeking the guidance of a experts to provide support can be helpful as the holiday season can be a delicate situation for children of separated parents.


If you would like to discuss how mediation can help resolve co-parenting difficulties or discuss what can go into a parenting plan to help the co-parenting of tricky issues, drop us an email at or book a free call through our website.

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