How to deal with coercive control

Some top tips

Dealing with coercive control can be challenging, but there are steps you can take to protect yourself. Here are some top tips:

1.  Recognise the signs: Educate yourself on the signs of coercive control, such as isolation, monitoring, financial control, threats, intimidation, humiliation, and sexual coercion

2.    Seek support: Talk to someone you trust about what you're going through. This could be a friend, family member, or a professional such as a therapist or counsellor

3.    Create a safety plan: Develop a plan to keep yourself safe in case of an emergency. This could include having a safe place to go, packing an emergency bag, and having important documents and phone numbers on hand

4.    Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries with the abuser and communicate them assertively. This could include telling them what behaviours are not acceptable and what consequences will follow if they continue

5.    Get legal help: Seek legal advice and consider getting a court injunction called a non-molestation order if necessary

6.    Take care of yourself: Practice self-care by engaging in activities that make you feel good and taking care of your physical and emotional health

If this blog has been of interest to you have a look at some of our other blogs about recognising the signs of coercive control and how to set boundaries.

If coercive control exists in your relationship, and you are seeking a divorce, mediation can still be a process you can use to help you agree everything. There are different types of mediation that might be appropriate. If you are interested in knowing more call us free on 0800 206 2258 or email us at

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