The costs of living crisis and divorce

How can family mediation help?

When living costs are going up, juggling legal costs and trying to budget for funding two separate households can be very worrying.

Divorce is stressful enough without adding the costs of living crisis into the mix.

At the moment there are such long delays in the courts that no one can get a quick final decision which can be a real problem if you need to sell a house to move on, get mortgages and try and reduce your monthly bills.

We have seen the mortgage market change quite dramatically over recent months and mortgage offers have even been withdrawn that would have helped people buy a new home with an affordable mortgage that is no longer available to them.

Mediation offers a cost effective way to resolve these issues and a route to discuss everything quickly and effectively so that decisions can be made about all of the financial issues that need to be addressed as part of the divorce process.

Most mediation meetings are now held online using Zoom and Teams so you don't even have to travel to a venue and incur travel and parking costs.

If you think mediation can help you agree the financial issues that you need to resolve as part of your divorce why not book a free call with us to discuss everything via our website - or email us at

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