Divorcing a Narcissist? How can you deal with their behaviour in mediation?

If you are divorcing a narcissist how can you deal with NPD in mediation?

Here are some key strategies for dealing with a narcissist in mediation:

  • Limit direct interaction outside of mediation sessions. Avoid getting drawn into emotional debates or power struggles when the mediator is not present.
  • Refuse to play their "win-lose" game. Stay calm and focused on finding practical solutions, rather than getting caught up in their manipulation tactics.
  • Document everything - any attempts to deplete joint assets, influence the children, or renege on agreements. This evidence can be crucial if mediation fails and you need to go to court.
  • Work with an experienced mediator who understands narcissism and can employ strategies to manage the power imbalance. They can help keep the     conversation factual and on track.
  • Involve a therapist or divorce coach to help you communicate effectively and prepare emotionally for the mediation process.
  • Appeal to the narcissist's desire to "win" by highlighting how mediation can give them more control over the outcome than going to court.
  • Maintain     your composure no matter how the narcissist tries to provoke you. Use "I" statements to express your needs clearly and firmly.

The key is to anticipate the narcissist's tactics, don’t be surprised by them and stay focused on the facts. It is the mediator’s job to manage the meeting and how your discussion develops.

At Family Mediation at Mentoring LLP, we are accredited mediators who have previously worked as specialist family lawyers so have real experience of dealing with very high conflict cases. If you would like to talk with us about whether mediation can help you resolve the issues involved with your separation and/or divorce you can book a free call on our website, www.familymediationandmentoring.co.uk oremail us at hello@familymandm.co.uk

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