The 10 different ways you can resolve parenting, property or financial issues on separation and divorce.

There are many ways to resolve family disputes - you don't have to go to court

All too often people still think they need to go to court to sort out the issues surrounding their separation and divorce. A recent survey showed that only 35% of lawyers meeting with their client explained all the different ways to stay out of court, keep costs down and reach an amicable agreement.

We thought it would be helpful to summarise the different ways people can resolve family disputes.

1.      Negotiate between yourselves

2.      Ask a friend or family member to facilitate discussions

3.      Traditional Family Mediation

4.      Hybrid Family Mediation

5.      Shuttle Family Mediation

6.      Early neutral evaluation using a specialist Family Barrister

7.      Arbitration

8.      Collaborative process

9.      Instruct a lawyer to negotiate for you

10.    As a last resort, normally because the above methods have been tried and failed, people are left with having to go to court to ask a Judge to decide what should          happen

For all the above options, apart from going to court, you are aiming to agree and sign a Deed of Separation if you want to sort out finances as part of your separation, a financial consent order if you want to sort out finances as part of your divorce and a parenting plan if you are trying to agree future parenting plans.

With most of the options it is also possible to “mix and match” some of them so that different issues can be sorted out using different methods or to have different methods running alongside each other. It may also be helpful to consider Child Inclusive Mediation as part of resolving certain issues because where children are involved it will give them a voice in the process and help them feel that they are being listened to.

There is a lot to be said about each of the above options. If you would like to understand each option in more detail and whether it is the right option for you please book one of our free 20 minute consultations on the “Book Now” page of our website – or call us on our freephone number 0800 206 2258 or email us at


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