The Navigator Service

What is the Navigator Service?


The Navigator Service


Rachael and I were honoured when Bob and Rebecca of only Mums and Only Dads asked us to be part of their new service for separating parents. This unique team-based, problem-solving approach is aimed at helping parents make informed decisions around separation and divorce.


The Navigator Service has 3 steps

·      Step 1 -Initial Consultation

This meeting takes around 45 minutes and offers an opportunity for the parent to talk in confidence and share their concerns with one or both of the Directors of OnlyMums & OnlyDads. Rebecca and Bob have over 14 years’ experience of working with parents both in and out of court. They will listen and support parents in identifying and working through the key issues. (45 mins)


·      Step2 - Notes & Guidance

The parents will be sent a copy of '(Almost) Anything But Family Court' (Bath Publishing, May 2022) and ‘Split Survival Kit’ by Dr Angharad Rudkin & Ruth Fitzgerald (Wren &rook 2022). Bob and Rebecca will also provide guidance notes and sign-posting to relevant organisations/services.


·      Step3 - Family Law Information Meeting

The final meeting is with myself or Rachael for 40 minutes and is an opportunity to explore and understand the different options, routes and alternatives for resolving your situation, focussed on helping people stay out of court.


If you would like more information about this service, please do not hesitate to get in touch or you can book using this link

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