What if I can’t bear my ex?

How can mediation work if the thought of speaking with your ex is too difficult?

A concern for anyone coming to mediation is often the prospect of having to see a former partner with whom a relationship has ended badly or where some time has passed and there are anxieties over seeing and speaking to that person again.  This is not uncommon and something we discuss with clients in the initial MIAM meetings before joint meetings take place.  

Where there are concerns or anxieties, discussing these with your mediator can mean helpful solutions or alternatives can be put in place which could include:-

1.      Online rather than face to face mediation

2.      Hybrid mediation , where your lawyers come to the meetings with you.

3.      Shuttle mediation – where you are not in same physical or virtual rooms.  

Where it is safe to do so, we would always encourage people to try and mediate because once the first meeting has taken place the initial anxiety often reduces which can enable solutions to be discussed that might otherwise not be possible without cost, delay and stress for all.  Often the online mediation meetings are a good steppingstone to help improve communication where there has been none. We are often told by our clients that it wasn’t as bad as they thought it was going to be.

For more information or to discuss any concerns you may have, please contact us at hello@familymandm.co.uk or call us on 0800 206 2258. You can also book a free 20 minute call with us using the Book Now facility on our website.

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